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Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

What is Encryption?

Encryption is the science of encoding and decoding secret messages. It began as cryptography—the ancient Greeks used it to protect sensitive information that might fall into the hands of their enemies. More recently, governments have used encryption for military purposes, but these days the term if often used in reference to online security. Encr...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Medical Identity Theft: Ins and Outs

Medical identity theft is the deadliest form of identity theft—and I say this without hyperbole or exaggeration. When financial gain is the general motivation for stealing medical information, insurance cards, records, etc., the crime is a form of account takeover fraud. Medical identity theft—the real kind—occurs when the thief’s motivation is ob...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

11 Types of Grey Charges

Grey charges: “Deceptive and unwanted credit and debit card charges that occur as a result of misleading sales and billing practices.” Technically, grey charges aren’t considered fraud because the legalese spells it all out, and trusting consumers sign on the dotted line. Merchants know levying grey charges is legal, but they also know it’s unethi...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

5 Myths and Misconceptions About Home Security

Security is one of those topics we’d rather not discuss because it requires us to acknowledge the fact that we are vulnerable to miscreants bent on doing harm. Sorry, but this is Real Life 101 here—which, unfortunately, means most people don’t do anything about their security proactively; hence, so many people are victimized and end up in complete...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Keeping Tabs on Your Kids From the Office

Look, I hear this all the time: “I want to respect my children’s privacy, but I also want to keep tabs on them.” OK, I get it. Kids need their privacy. But at what age does that start? In my mind, they can have their privacy at 18 years of age—because up until that time, a parent is 100 percent legally responsible for what those kids say and do. S...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Card Issuers Losing Money to Grey Charges

Hey merchants, yes you, BillGuard released a report that examined the grey charge problem among US debit and credit cardholders and the service costs impacting card issuers and retailers. The report revealed 11 types of deceptive ‘grey charges’ that retailers use to mislead consumers in their sales and billing practices. Yaron Samid, founder and C...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Top 10 Components of the Ultimate Home Security System

You’ve been thinking about getting a home security system but haven’t because you want to do it right and not invest in old, outdated technology. Well, you’re in luck, because now’s the time. Home security system technology is as advanced as it’s ever been, and just about anyone can afford a basic system—and, for a few more bucks, the Ultimate Hom...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Top 10 Identity Theft Scams

There are no shortage of ways identity thieves have to scam you out of your credit, cash and identity. Here are 10 more ways criminals pounce on their victims: Mailbox raiding. Moments after the postal carrier drops off your mail, a crackhead comes by and steals it. Dumpster diving. You know that mortgage company that you did business with before ...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Will Obamacare Lead to Identity Theft?

The fear mongers and Obamacare haters make a scary point and want you to know that as soon as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act goes live, your identity will be at risk and, more than likely, stolen. Forbesreports in regard to what’s called the Obamacare-mandated “data hub” in which personal records are exchanged among seven different...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Getting Cybersmart and Staying Dutifully Employed

Knowing what I know today, if a 15-year-old asked me what she should be when she grows up, I’d say cybersecurity professional. The unfortunate fact is that bad guys are everywhere—and if you are in the security industry, bad guys are good for business. There are many ways and resources for people, especially young adults, to become cybersmart. It’s...


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