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Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

8 Ways to Ensure Safe and Secure Online Shopping this Holiday Season

So, who’s on your holiday gift list this year? That list is a lot longer than you think; consider all the names of hackers that have not yet appeared on it. Scammers will do whatever it takes to get on your holiday gift list! Here’s how to keep these cyber thieves out of your pocket: Before purchasing from a small online merchant, see what the Be...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

How to pwn Anyone

Define Pwn: Pwn is a slang term derived from the verb own, as meaning to appropriate or to conquer to gain ownership. The term implies domination or humiliation of a rival. And when it’s done by hacking email, the person is effectively pwned. No matter how “private” you are on the Internet, no matter how infrequently you post on your Facebook page...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

What are Bug Bounties?

A bug bounty refers to the reward a bad-guy hacker gets upon discovering a vulnerability, weakness or flaw in a company’s system. This is akin to giving a reward to a burglar for pointing out weaknesses in your home’s security. But whom better to ask than a burglar, right? Same with a company’s computer systems: The best expert may be the black hat...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Best practices for BYOD data storage

The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement has in some ways saved companies money, but in other ways put customer data at risk. Employees are onsite, telecommuting or traveling on business. This means their devices, and company data could be anywhere at any given moment. A company manager or owner realizes that company use of employee mobile device...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Infrastructures under attack

It’s been stated more than once that WWIII will most likely be cyber-based, such as dismantling a country’s entire infrastructure via cyber weapons. And don’t think for a moment this doesn’t mean murdering people. A report at notes that foreign hackers have cracked into the U.S. Department of Energy’s networks 150 times; they...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

How Passwords Get Hacked

If I wanted to crack one of your passwords, I could probably make a series of educated guesses and get pretty close. Why? Because people tend to stick with simple, easy to remember passwords, but these are the passwords that are easy to hack. According to Bill Carey, VP Marketing for the RoboForm Password Manager “Users need to take personal respo...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Dept. of Homeland Security Computers Vulnerable

There’s a problem on the home front: security lapses in the computers of the Secret Service and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, says a report on These departments were recently audited, and weaknesses were revealed. Recently, hackers got into the White House, State Department and the Office of Personnel Management, among other en...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

How to Set Up a Password Manager

If you have made the decision to use a password manager for your personal cybersecurity, which I highly recommend, you will quickly find that you online world is safer, easier and more secure than ever before. According to a recently concluded survey conducted by uSamp and sponsored by Siber Systems, creators of the RoboForm Password Manager, 63% o...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Credit Card vs. Debit Card Fraud

One difference between a credit card and a debit card is that if there’s an unauthorized charge on your credit card, you just get a little sting. It’s a hassle to straighten out. But no money is taken from you. But if someone gets ahold of your debit card information, the second they use it, depending on the nature of the transaction, your bank acc...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

The Password Reset Isn't How to Remember a Password

Consider a keychain for a moment. For most of us, a keychain holds all of our necessities such as home keys, car keys, work keys and even forgotten keys, that we aren’t quite sure what to do with. Now, think about this. What if your keychain had keys that look identical, but each key only opens one door. If you are like most people, this key scena...


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