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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Interest cuts; a test for Banks

Today's mammoth cut of 1½% in the interest rate is enormously welcome in businesses both small and large across the land. It is an important weapon in the fight to stave off the impacts of the recession and to bring inflation under control. However, this will only be the case if the banks pass the cut on to borrowers. There must be a temptation by...

/payments EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

The crunch to hit outsourcing

We have recently heard from a number of respected analysts that after the financial crisis banks are likely to reconsider their off shoring/outsourcing contracts with the assumption that a number of services will be brought back in-house. Presumably this is so they can exert more control over their processes and be in a position to make any change...

/retail MiFID

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

A New Era for Banking

Despite the financial crisis and the dramatic bailouts of banks it is far from the end of banking. It might be the end of banking as we have known it but as one door closes a new door opens. Now is the time to modify banking and market structures and build a financial services industry that gives its customers a genuinely, good service at a lower p...

/payments EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

I.T. Spending cuts; I think not?

Tower Group is the latest research company to announce that there will be cuts in IT budgets for next year after the banking bailouts. Does this stand up to scrutiny as only a few short months ago most research firms were taking completely opposite stance, with some predicting significant increases. The credit crunch is hardly new news and one wou...

/regulation MiFID

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Consolidation of Clearing Houses good or bad?

The DTCC buying LCH.Clearnet looks a no brainer deal for both companies with both increasing their business potential and both able to rationalise their cost structures. This is certainly the case at LCH.Clearnet where it has been common knowledge that they need to modify their systems. We will not know if the deal will be concluded for some month...

/security MiFID

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Business Integrity

The financial services industry has been taking a bit of battering over the last few years with executives of leading institutions behaving in a way that goes way beyond greed and moral responsibility. The actions of the few have tainted the majority of people who work in financial services that operate with a high degree of ethics and work hard t...

/wholesale EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Censorship and the Brand-Ross debate

As a regular writer of articles and of course blogs, the issue of publishing material that is never overtly offensive, is of course always uppermost in mind. There should always be self discipline in evidence and not a reliance on the media outlet to take any preventative action. If anything which is deemed in extremely bad taste or tests the lega...

Operational Risk Management

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Oil companies sit and fiddle whilst the global economy burns

The announcement that BP's third quarter profits have exceeded £6billion has to be a worry for governments and just about everyone on the planet. In these times of economic worry and with the financial markets in turmoil such figures have to be embarrassment for the board of BP. In turn all the other oil companies are likely to show similar impres...

/retail MiFID

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Risk Management; a whole new ball game

We all thought we knew everything about risk and wow has that assumption been shot to pieces in the credit crunch. Virtually every bank in the world has spent an incalculable amount of money on their risk systems but when it came to the crunch they were proved to be almost worthless. It makes you wonder how could we have got this so wrong and how ...

/retail MiFID

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Cross border settlement costs coming down

After my recent blog and article commenting on the excellent progress at EMXCo in the drive to STP in the unitised funds space, the latest news that Euroclear's FundSettle has built an automated link to the EMXCo message system has to be a whopping leap forward for cross border STP. Of course this is an in-house Euroclear initiative but the result...

Data Management 101

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