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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

More Regulation or Better Regulation?

At this week's Securities & Investment Institute debate in London's Mansion House some eminent speakers in front of an expert audience debated "In this current financial environment, more financial regulation is a major part of the solution". The speakers for the motion were Vince Cable, Liberal Democrat and Shadow Chancellor and Dav


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SEPA; a spectacular failure of misunderstanding

Despite what you hear and read about SEPA it is a fact that it has failed to achieve any notable volume since it went live. At a recent conference chaired by yours truly a number of eminent speakers from the upper echelons of banking finally agreed in public under examination that there has only been 2.5% of possible volume of SEPA Credit Transfer...

/regulation /sibos EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Online shopping hits high street stores

Over the weekend the number of deals on eBay hit record highs and this was followed by news that online spending has increased by 77% on previous records. All this is furthering the view that High Street stores may be becoming a thing of the past. The economic downturn has already been driving nails in the coffin of many stores and as the buying pu...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Banks should return to single capacity

It's been over twenty years since "Big Bang" in the UK where single capacity business was abolished in favour of duel capacity. Single capacity was where brokers could only deal on behalf of clients earning commission and duel capacity is where brokers can deal for clients but also themselves. The fear was always that brokers could be co...

/wholesale SEPA and European Payments

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Settlement begins

At last weeks EMXCo quarterly update Max Wright their CEO and mastermind leading the way in bringing STP into the investment funds announced the exciting news that they have the first firm using settlement messages. The packed audience of distributer's, brokers and fund managers almost purred with appreciation. This really is breaking new ground f...

/retail /wholesale MiFID

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Cut up your credit cards

As the world moves to 0% interest rates and credit card companies hiking up their rates it makes no sense for anyone to keep their cards. Simply arrange a long term loan at the bank at an attractive rate and pay off all cards. Do not be tempted to use your card until your credit card company offers you a realistic and attractive offer. In this cli...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Data Integration a way towards consolidation and reduction

At the FIMA conference this week in London, where I was speaking and chairing an afternoon session, the issue of Data Integration was debated, pulled apart and assessed by a whole range of expert people representing all links in the industry data chain. After two arduous days the results were disappointing. Everyone agrees that there is a ‘mass' o...

/regulation Data Management 101

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Obama, Obama

The election of President Obama is a wonderful and historical event for the USA but also the world. The American dream is more real today than ever before. A Black President in the White House is a healing beacon of light across America that will start to bring social and cultural changes and a uniting force forever consigning racial divides to th...

/retail MiFID

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

It is not the risks we know that should worry us

There have been countless risk conferences and countless hours spent by risk managers over the years on the importance of understanding and mitigating risks in the markets. The sad fact is that recent events prove we know very little about risks in today's financial services and the system solutions that we all thought were providing some means of...

/security /regulation Data Management 101

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

What is the true value of XBRL?

XML is not new but you would be forgiven for thinking it is, in the financial services industry. Now that ISO20022 is grabbing some attention there is an inevitable growing interest in XML. A few years ago the FSA in the UK started a project to move towards XBRL, one of the many derivatives that have been sporned from the origins of XML. The proje...

/security /wholesale MiFID

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