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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

MiFID: Back to square one

Recent surveys appear to show that the buy side and investors are getting a real raw deal with MiFID. Wealth managers are feeling the pinch with so many new trading venues to connect to even to have a chance of achieving best execution. The cost of connecting to so many venues is high and being passed back to the client in within the charges. As S...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Building from scratch to change the industry

I have written before about EMXCo the messaging system for Unitised Funds owned by Euroclear and how they continue to add new important institutions and intermediaries onto their system. It has just been announced that Legal & General (L & G) are making all their funds available over the network.This is really great news for the funds indu...

/retail MiFID

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Data Security Myth

There has been no end of stories over recent years about the ability of companies and organisations to maintain their data security. Bad news always travels faster than good and we will only ever know about the instances where data security is breached rather than the majority of occasions when data is secure but the quest to achieve total securit...

/regulation /retail Data Management 101

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

What are they doing at LCH.Clearnet?

The banks consortium bid for LCH.Clearnet has not been a knockout according to the noises coming from the LCH.Clearnet board. Rather it has produced a rather strange response where the board would like to cherry pick parts of it and try to integrate them into their own plan. In my opinion, it is doubtful that this will result in bringing the ailin...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Deal's off between DTCC and LCH.Clearnet - really bad news!

One of the best bits of good news last year found in a gloom laden industry was that the world's largest clearing house was to merge with one of European largest clearing houses. The opportunity to consolidate international and domestic clearing between the USA and Europe as it turned out was unfortunately too good to be true. As the financial cri...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Duopoly Network Barrier

At a recent BT breakfast seminar a number of software vendors presented their own perspectives on the Euroclear harmonisation project and how it could benefit the UK securities market. The potential consolidation of messages was best illustrated by the Progress Software presentation that clearly outlined the huge inefficiencies existing within the ...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Beginning to turn the tide

With so much bad news it is worth noting a small piece of news that emerged yesterday, which has significant future value to financial services companies and also wider consumer interests, as the industry attempts to turn the tide. The Securities and Investment Institute (SII) launched its new careers website aimed at introducing and educating peo...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Banking yoyo

Over the last few months we have all been aware of a number of different banks sacking people to reduce overheads but as they are actually unable to do without many of them, I have found that in a number of cases they have then rehired the same people on temporary contracts but at an increased cost. The "lucky staff" as some might say, a...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Fantastic news at last!

Having previously written about the impending announcement that EMXCo were signing up clients for their settlement messages, today's press release informs us that the first company to spearhead this new offering is Brewin Dolphin who are leading the way to genuine STP territory for funds. It's a real landmark for the funds industry and Brewin's ad...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Bonuses! You got to be kidding

The news channels have all been carrying the enquiry into the banking crisis and of course been heavy laden with the grovelling apologies of the boardroom architects of the disaster. These apologies clearly written by their PR and delivered with hardly a look of remorse by those responsible are obviously totally inadequate. What was required was a...

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