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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

A New Dawn for the Banking Industry Begins Today

Those that are regular readers of my blogs will recognise the news today that the government is splitting up the bailed out banks, which was always my preferred way of getting a return for the tax payer. Today marks the beginning of the long plod back to normality where the government withdraws from the private sector and the high street banks are...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

The Corporate Tsunami is coming

Anthony Hilton made a statement in his Evening Standard column that the world's corporates will be looking to refinance massively as the global economic crisis begins to subside. We are both on the same wave length, as I made the same Tsunami analogy at a recent Corporate Actions conference in New York. The point being is that if the securities in...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Islamic banking and finance; just another type of banking

At a recent Mazars seminar in the City the changes in accounting and tax treatment in the UK and France were presented to an expert audience but it was the alternative virtues of Islamic banking as opposed to Western banking that stood out. The presentation by Tarek el Diwany, an ex Bond Trader (before he converted to become a Muslim) provided a cl...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

XBRL Update

For everyone that has read the XBRL Blog " XBRL is coming in a big way" please re read the comments. These comments have flushed out valuable information and status as well as underlying the terrible lack of awareness in the industry. There are far too many people that are stuck in the ISO standards type of thinking and missing the point ...

XBRL Discussion Group

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Northern Rock to Tesco bank; is something afoot?

A few years ago any thought that Tesco would be a potential buyer of Northern Rock would have been, well, ludicrous. We live in unusual times and a deal to sell Northern Rock to Tesco does not look out of the question. The facts are making this potential deal look likely, if not certain. Tesco is building its banking subsidiary in the North of Eng...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Tesco showing the way

Tesco are moving into Banking and this can only be great news for the Banking sector and customers. The word trust has been lost with existing banks and by introducing a trusted brand like Tesco into the market the sector can start rebuilding. It will not be plain sailing for Tesco but they surely go with the good will of everybody. The shake up th...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

XBRL and the Identity Issue

The DTCC/SWIFT/XBRL initiative will I am sure, be a success and be a springboard to a new age of data standards. However, there remains an important issue that needs attention and that is, to protect the identity of the issuer of the taxonomy and the security of the data they issue. The obvious solution to the identity problem is to create a direc...

XBRL Discussion Group

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

XBRL is coming in a very big way

Let's be clear about XBRL and start by saying it's been around for more than a decade. Having had a very slow birth, after a prolonged gestation period but now the time is here when XBRL will be recognised for the genuine benefits it can bring to business communication and data processing. I recently chaired a Corporate Actions conference in New Y...

XBRL Discussion Group

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Trade Reporting; all at sea

You would have though that trade reporting would be a simple thing with the regulatory organisation specifying what they wanted reported, by what medium, by whom and when but this is all too simplistic for today's markets. A discussion with one of the UK's top firm's compliance officers this week opened my eyes to the sheer lunacy of regulatory re...

/wholesale MiFID

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Recovery or blip

There are certainly plenty of positive noises coming out of SIBOS and a real feel that the worst of the financial and economic crisis is over but is this flag waving just a bit to soon and overly optimistic? Over the last six months we have seen many indicators that the economies of the USA, the EU, Japan and China are doing far better than expecte...


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