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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

MTF Consolidation it starts

So Chi -X has a mystery bidder! Its not a suprise to me and no doubt others as the MTF model is a lousy business plan in the long term and only great for initial investors looking to grab a return on their investment. Volume is like the wind! It can change at any time and can move in any direction. Very dificult to hold and maintain so any business...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Finally some MiFID sense

The EU consolidated tape now looks certain and best execution becomes realistic and provable. This can only be great news for the buy side and investors everywhere. Regulated Stock Exchanges and MTFs will have to be more imaginative tin their business also great news for investors. As i have been saying for sometime MiFID 2 will have more impact ...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Whatever happened to the customer is always right?

If there is one thing financial services organisations should always do, it is to actively maintain their client relationships. It is a core function and can make or break a firm. However, in recent years, it has seemed as though many firms have been more concerned with profits and less about the needs of their clients. Any number of people can re...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

The Best Execution Myth

MiFID has been in for a few years now and it's had a tremendous impact on European markets but unfortunately not all good. The very laudable objectives that MiFID addresses really cause the failure of those objectives. For example Best Execution once easy to measure and prove is now virtually impossible due to the fragmentation of trading venues a...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

The neutering of decision makers

At last weeks Fix Protocol (FPL) conference there was the expected presentations from all the usual suspects. Expert people from leading organisations in the securities market all debated the problems of the day. Well, debated might be too strong a word, as in most cases total agreement was obvious. The audience were no less expert so it was a cas...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

The eternal coin or eternal value

This week's debate at the Long Finance roundtable, the influential think tank of academics associated with the finance industry presented the "Search for the Eternal Coin" to an engaged audience of eclectic professionals. The presentations were first from an historical aspect starting 4000 years ago and then up to date with the immediate...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

House prices about to crash

At a recent roundtable of top economists at the Long Finance Group together with a think tank of leading City professionals, the over whelming view was that house prices were certain to crash. Timing was debated but it was generally thought that the current housing market index was not sustainable beyond this year. The election in the UK was likel...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

eBam and Corporate Customers

With all the fuss around banking services for their corporate customers or should I say lack of, the news that Bank of America Merrill Lynch is working with IdenTrust to solve ancient operational client data problems is worthy of note. IdenTrust has been hacking away at the jungle of identity problems for years and although they offer reason and a...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Post Bank a natural way to repeal acts of destruction

The call by the Small Business Institute for the creation of a Post Bank to offer basic business services to small enterprises looks like a winner. Research has also shown that individual account holders at high street banks as well as over 8 million people without a current bank account would support the set up of a Post Bank. The combination of ...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Is SWIFT Running Fast into a Monopoly?

The news that SWIFT has been organising meetings between payment banks and several large Corporates in their Le Hulpe offices could be seen as great news by many hoping for streamlining in the Eurozone payments area however, does it conceal the real worries that we should be concerned with? SWIFT as we all know is a cooperative organisation owned ...

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