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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

The day stockbroking died

SIBOS may have just witnessed a day that put the first nail in 'execution only stockbroking'. peterevans one of the smaller software houses is demonstrating its new app, which basically negates the need for the middle man (stockbroker) by executing directly on the Stock Exchange. The obvious thought is to link the app to the wholesale market and g...

/sibos Finextra@Sibos

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SIBOS getting 'appy'

This year SIBOS in an 'appy' mood. With a number of vendors demoing apps, in particular, I was really impressed with peterevans and Information Mosaic (IM) who have both produced great apps that will set the trend for the future. peterevans has a great trade execution app and IM something wonderful in Corporate Actions. I predict that next years S...

/sibos Finextra@Sibos

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Lets hear it for the news

A lasting memory of SIBOS this year is the fantastic job that FINEXTRA has done in bringing up to date news, informative interviews, comments and some real entertainment during very long days. Nick Hastings and his team take a bow! In my opinion delegates could benefit furthur, if the FINEXTRA news/ topical videos featured more in the future, by pe...

/sibos Finextra@Sibos

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SEPA finally getting some teeth

The news that SEPA is going to be forced down the throats of Banks is a very welcome move all be it several years late. Banks anr like Turkeys never voting for Xmas and the embarrasing phoney war that has been waged over SEPA has resulted in an inevitable regulatory and legal motivation. Lets hope that any sanctions are pitched at a severe level I...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

What about a SWIFT App on a mobile phone!

At this weeks annual corporate actions conference in New York a presentationby Gerrard Bermingham from Information Mosaic extolled the benefits of mobile technology carrying corporate action data to the investor. It is a really interesting prospect that could bring the decision making capability on a CA or proxy vote directly into the hands of the...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

This is the start of something big

At the recent annual Corporate Action conference in New York this week the hot topic was the significant progress being made by the DTCC and SWIFT with XBRL to standardise Issuer data. The audience was made up of mainly Investment Management firms but with a good sprinkling of all the great and the good banks. It was remarkable how warmly the XBRL...

XBRL Discussion Group

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Rod Stewart City presentation myth or real?

A few weeks back i was asked to give a short and informal presentation for Volante and the opening of their London office. It so happens that night i was due at a Rod Stewart concert and it got me thinking on what would Rod say if he had been asked? This is my idea of a Rod Stewart City presentation. If Rod is reading this it is only in jest and y...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Financial services getting right for once

Close Asset Management UK are the latest fund manager to use the EMX Message System now fully integrated within Euroclear. The links to Fund Settle provide a real international settlment solution for the long standing problems in the funds operation. I have been tracking EMXCO since its inauguration all those years ago and despite having to overcom...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Inflation about to become a major problem

As the global economies all begin to scamble out of the recession hole the UK could be about to be hit with rapid inflation. The quantative easing strategy work well in the short term bringing some stability and giving a bit of a breather to the economy. However money supply is at a danger levels already and will inevitably culminate in interest r...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

HSBC bag students

I hope not as they made my student sons life a misery last year as the badgered non stop for loan repayment even though like the majority he was out of work. Beware Banks offering gifts there is always a catch and students need to be careful especially in these times of mass student unelployment

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