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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

JP Morgan Chase leads the way

The news that JP Morgan is undetaking a massive downsize of its many trading systems is long over due and hopefully sets a trend for the market. Technology in this space has today run miles ahead of any system with any eighties or nineties legacy and i am certain that JPM Chase is going to gain huge financial and operational benefits. There will b...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Where is Shareholder Power?

Banker's bonuses are still dominating the news during the results season. The banks one by one, will all declare massive profits that are virtually the same as before the banking crisis. "Crisis what crisis" is the cry in the boardrooms and they're right. In just a few short years the banks that crippled many of the worlds economies are ...

/security /regulation EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Who wins with Algo trading

Algo trading is very much under the spotlight right now and certain to be so for some time yet. The new group set up to look into the affects of Algo trading on the markets should provide some interesting conclusions but will they be able to alter the dominance of this type of business? Who actually benefits from Algo trading? Certainly large banki...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Identity system; a new focus

At the recent MiFID Forum, the FSA outlined the problems facing the securities industry in complying with the regulatory requirement to implement a unique investor identifier. Various ideas were put forward. These ranged from the use of BIC and SWIFT codes to national health numbers, passports and national insurance numbers but were discarded for ...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

NYSE Euronext deal with Deutsche Borse

Nyse Euronext and Deutsche Börse are in merger talks, fresh on the news that the LSE and TMX are in advanced stages of a merger. After a few years of inactivity it looks like the Exchange consolidation has found new legs. Is this good or bad news for the investors? Certainly the creation of huge international exchanges should have a beneficial imp...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

London Stock Exchange shows its teeth

The news that the LSE has agreed a merger with Canada's TMX Group which operates the Toronto and Montreal Stock Exchanges is a great move for both. It is a very imaginative deal that offers both a strong footing in Europe and the North American continent, enabling potential business growth and an exciting new opportunity for investors. With the lar...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

FPL enters the ring

What great news that FPL has put their hat in the ring to bring the consolidated tape to market. They had such terriffic success with establishing FIX and are one of the few organisations that has acheived notable success in the securities industry over the last decade and more. Its vitally important for the global securities industry that the des...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Getting a better deal for the investor

Since MiFID the EU markets have changed forever and we all have to get used to the new order, however, change often brings about unforeseen problems and business opportunities leading to unintended consequences that then lead to disruption and a loss of confidence in the market by the investor. There is no doubt that in many areas the stock market...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

False Economy at SIBOS

It's popular to have a good kick at the nearest banker as the world struggles to recover from the financial crisis but SIBOS was weird because so many people were talking about the crisis as just a bad memory. The feel good factor at SIBOS does not measure up, as if the EU announce spending cuts in line with the UK, this will at the least, cause di...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Join the XBRL Group on FINEXTRA and be part of the future

This is a blatant advert for new members to join the FINEXTRA XBRL Group. Discussions at SIBOS has led to me building a EU initiative to compliment the USA/SWIFT/XBRL project. It's not worth waiting to see the results in the USA! It's going to work and i want to explode this globally. Planning on a first group meeting is underway and i would like ...

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