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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Did the Murdochs hack it?

Having watched today's performance of both the Murdochs at the Parliamentary Select Committee investigation into phone hacking. It was fascinating to see one of the world’s toughest business men Rupert Murdoch, humbly brought down on the hard ground of realism. Flanked by his son James the battle worn hack threw his dignity out of the window and t...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Banks fail EBA stress tests

The stress tests are set so low and are missing the most key in todays market with sovereign debt. Still some banks across Europe has failed. What good are these tests and do they tell us anything about the ability of the Banking system to cope with similar dramatic events we have seen in the past few years? Markets falling 15% is pretty modest it...

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Retail banks get consumer happy

Innovation in the retail banking industry is surely a oxymoron! Never noted for out-of-the-box thinking sleepy bankers have always been very keen to protect what they have and just take the money. Not anymore if EBA Day is to be believed. It's very refreshing that with SEPA finally on the home straight, bankers have been looking to alternative reve...

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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SEPA a rule of convenience

SEPA is going to get a firm date at last but where are the sanctions for countries who don't comply? I have said this many times before but rules without a penalty are not worth writing. It's of course the European way to be collaborative and well, just nice, but this is hardly a frightening prospect for great big hairy global bankers. However, le...

/payments EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Global respect needed for Basel III or it will fail

So Basel III looms large but will it be in-step with the rest of the world? We all know that we are now in a global economy and financial services has to come to terms with a rapidly changing world and increasing demands of politicians, regulators, customers and technology but does Basel III have the scope to cover the world's markets and its nee...

/payments EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

EBA Day and the road back

EBA Day has been quite something this year. It has grown enormously and now rivals SIBOS for quality of speakers, delegates and exhibitors. The concentration of top quality people in the payments space all able to mix and get down and dirty with all the days tough issues and find solutions and with the inclusion of expert suppliers makes this an e...

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Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Call to arms for Basel III

Basel III appeared like a dark cloud over sunny Madrid at this excellent EBA Day event. There is plenty of detail that has yet to emerge so discussions and debate is somewhat premature however there was a loud call to arms by the panel of experts. The issue of intra-day liquidity for banks is key and we have seen over the last few years during the ...

/payments EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

RBS star steals the show

Brian Stevenson, Chairman of Global Transaction Services at RBS gave the best presentation of the day at EBA Day. He clearly described the many challenges facing banks in the world today within an economic and global trade shift and everything from political intervention in markets to the risks of fraud and cyber crime. This was a joy to listen to...

/payments EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Hot lady lights up e-invoicing

Now e-invoicing is not really a name on anyones lips but at EBA Day we heard that perhaps it should be. The session was not vastly populated but us hardy soul were perked up by the hot lady from Swed Bank livened everything up by demonstrating how her Bank have been providing e-invoicing since the mid nineties. It's now a big revenue earner and pr...

/payments EBAday

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Banks are just protecting not innovating

It's really strange to hear so much about competition at EBA Day from organisations that appear scared. SEPA is as much a process of change as it is about change. Banks for years have been expert in slowing down anything that threatens their bottom line and in SEPA they have been active in a non active way in slowing down volume to protect their b...

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