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Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

Sibos exhibition floor activities

If you're going to be at Sibos or want to see what you're missing then don't forget to visit Finextra@Sibos' exhibition highlights diary during the Sibos week. We'll be featuring stand highlights, give-aways, drinks receptions, special interest sessions and other exhibition floor activities. So to help your plan your exhibition time visit Finextr...

/sibos Finextra@Sibos

Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

Charity Walk - the final countdown

Thought I'd give you a quick update on my walk. The kick off is under 4 days away now and I will be setting off next Tuesday (21 April). I am looking forward to the challenge and the experience but I must admit I am getting a little nervous!4 months of solid training is now coming down to 9 days following the Thames through field and town - and ha...

/payments /wholesale Whatever...

Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

Charity Thames Walk

OK so this may not be entirely relevant to our usual content covered here on Finextra but I wanted to use my blog profile as a platform to share with the world (well based on our recent user figures we're getting towards the whole world!) the training for and subsequent charity walk I will do doing in April. So what am I doing? From 22 - 28 April ...

/payments /wholesale Whatever...

Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

Not your average journey to work

So after a 4.5 mile hike through the snow from Battersea to St Martins Lane, which took over 2.5 hours, I finally made it to Finextra HQ. Happy to report the rest of the Finextra sales team made it in as well and we're here to answer all your advertising, lead generation, events and marketing questions! I thought I'd share some photos of my journ...

/payments /wholesale Whatever...

Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

Sex Panther rocks Vienna

As part of their global tour to promote their new album 'Power Shakes and Super Congas' Sex Panther touched down in Vienna to rock the Hofburg. Despite a few technical problems and working with a reduced set the boys banged out a sterling cover of the Queen Classic 'Don't Stop Me Now'. If you missed the gig or were there but were over-powered by th...

/payments /wholesale Finextra@Sibos

Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

Singing well Running in the Rain

There's a first time for everything and an early morning run at Sibos certainly was a first for me. Thanks to the good people at EBA Clearing and our excellent local guides from RZB a couple of the Finextra team took part in the first EBA Clearing Sibos fun run. Setting a fairly competitive pace over 8km in a field of 25 of Sibos' finest atheletes...

/payments /wholesale Finextra@Sibos

Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

World Environment Day, 5 June 2008

I was sent an interesting email recently from the Carbon Neutral Company, who are one of our partners for our Finexpo - Green City event. They were letting me know that on 5 June, it's World Environment Day, which also happens to be on the same day as our new Outsouricng event, so a grand day indeed! The Carbon Neutral Company want everyone to...

/wholesale Going green

Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

The Final Countdown

On the flight back to London from another successful EBAday ( I had the closing video sound track in my head. We aptly selected Europe’s Final Countdown as anyone involved with SEPA will appreciate that the final countdown is well and truly on. Two days later I still had the Final Countdown rocking in my head so I decided to downloa...

/payments /retail EBAday

Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

Room with a view

Galvin at Windows is a stunning new French restaurant situated on the 28th floor of the Hilton Hotel on London's Park Lane, and probably has the most stunning restaurant view in the whole of London. A pre or post dinner drink in the bar with its 360 degrees view over London is well worth taking your time over as there is so much to take in. When y...

After hours

Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

Prism a venue for all occasions

Occupying the former Bank of New York building on Leadenhall Street, Prism restaurant and bar is an ideal choice for after work drinks, dinner or lunch. The basement bar has an excellent choice of beers, wine and cocktails both alcoholic and non-alcoholic – very handy if you’re on the wagon. Plus a good selection of bar snacks, ideal for a quick w...

/wholesale After hours

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