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Matthias Biehl

Matthias Biehl API Strategist at Software AG

Open Insurance: What to scoop and what to drop from Open Banking

Open Insurance aims to create tech-driven collaborations among insurance firms and tech companies to foster innovation, provide fertile ground for digital ecosystems and new business models to emerge, and in the end provide better experiences for customers. The tech-driven collaborations enabled by open insurance are based on sharing customer data...

/retail /startups Open Banking

Matthias Biehl

Matthias Biehl API Strategist at Software AG

From Open Banking APIs to Banking-as-a-Service: How big is the leap?

Open Banking and Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) are terms used for APIs in the financial space. But do they mean the same - can they be used interchangeably? Does a bank automatically offer Banking-as-a-Service when it offers Open Banking APIs? Commonalities Both Open Banking and Banking-as-a-Service are terms used to refer to financial APIs that are ...

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