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Aman Behzad

Aman Behzad Managing partner at Royal Park Partners

Indonesian fintech’s spectacular 2021 is just the beginning

Following years of steady funding growth, 2021 was the year that Indonesian fintech exploded. This year saw Southeast Asia's largest economy attract fintech venture inflows of over $1 billion, minting two new unicorns in the process; Xendit and Ajaib joining Gojek and Ovo at the pinnacle. The catalysts accelerating this growth have long been evide...

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Aman Behzad

Aman Behzad Managing partner at Royal Park Partners

The impact of Amazon and Visa tensions on the payments space

Last month, Amazon announced that it will stop accepting Visa credit cards in the UK. The move is loaded with implications for the global payments arena. This decision and its context raises questions about the future balance of power in the global e-commerce and payments space. On the surface, Visa forced Amazon’s hand. The decision is consiste...


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