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Shrey Rastogi

Shrey Rastogi Product Director & Payments Strategist at Temenos

Bank the benefits of moving payments to the cloud, now

The area of payments, like many in banking, is undergoing seismic change: digital and neo banks are pushing innovation fast; real-time payment volumes are growing rapidly; and new regulations like the ISO20022 migration and open banking are coming to ensure that banks adapt their processes and systems accordingly. Running payment services in the c...

/payments /cloud

Shrey Rastogi

Shrey Rastogi Product Director & Payments Strategist at Temenos

The 2020 Trends Defining the Banking and Payments Industry

Payments in the Cloud A number of key benefits pertaining to banking in the cloud are now widely acknowledged – from scalability, agility and security to future proofing and (perhaps the most significant of all) cost efficiency. So while the debate around whether cloud needs to be a part of a payments players’ future strategy is well settled now, ...

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