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Heartland: lessons learned

Heartland: lessons learned

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Heartland chief Robert Carr leads a Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia workshop examining data security in electronic payments processing and the lessons learned from last year's data breach.

This paper summarises discussions from a workshop hosted by the Payment Cards Center on August 13, 2009. The workshop examined the changing nature of data security in consumer electronic payments. The center invited the chairman and CEO of Heartland Payment Systems (HPS), Robert Carr, to lead this discussion and to share his experiences stemming from the data breach at his company in late 2008 and, as important, to discuss lessons learned as a result of this event.

The former director of the Payment Cards Center, Peter Burns, who is acting as a senior payments advisor to HPS, also joined the discussion to outline HPS's post-breach efforts aimed at improving information-sharing and data security within the consumer payments industry.

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