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A place to share stuff that isn't at all fintec related but is amusing, absurd or scary.

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Retired Member 

Class Actions Against Aussie Banks Over No Rate Cut

Law firms in Australia are lining up with thousands of eager participants wanting to take the Australian banks to court over their general failure to pass on the latest Reserve bank interest rate cuts. Talk shows and radio are alive with the latest sign that banks aren't too popular here. It appears that bank popularity and trust is approaching a ...

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Retired Member 

Verizon Follows Google Lead And Sells Your Call Data

I question the sanity of those at the helm of Verizon, after David Weinberger, co-author of the Clue-Train Manifesto reported a letter he received from Verizon to the New York Times. Verizon is selling information including "services purchased (including specific calls you make and receive), billing info, technical info and location info.&quo...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bumometrics - Hackers, Privacy And The Way The Web Works

1. There are hackers and always will be. They will always be 'smarter' than everyone else. 2. No average user can ever hope to 'secure' their personal data. 3. No corporation can secure data which can be accessed via a network, they can only secure some of it, some of the time, from some of the people. 4. We have created an internet which is unsafe...

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

Breeding the Next-Generation of Computer Hackers

The other week I was participating in a Computer Weekly / British Telecom workshop regarding Collaboration Technology. I made the point that as well as using Technology to enable Collaboration we need to encourage people to take precautions not to freely share commercially sensitive or personal data. I advised the other participants that most if no...

/security /regulation

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

Timely warning of not relying too much on DNA evidence

German authorities have ended their search for a female serial killer after discovering that DNA thought to be from 40 crime scenes actually came from a woman who packed the cotton swabs used to gather evidence. The German police collected DNA from the scenes of crimes ranging from break-ins to murder. The samples were stored on a DNA database and ...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

No Surprises From G20 - Except Agreement

After the biggest financial crisis in history, which defied most people's imagination, humbling even China, the G20 have come together and agreed to a course. Congratulations. Perhaps the most significant part is the coming together. It is no doubt the biggest and most important agreement ever reached. Not without significance is the mixture of so...

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

2 out of 3 UK Companies without a proven BCP

The Chartered Management Institute, in association with the Civil Contingencies Secretariat of the Cabinet Office, has just released the Business Continuity Management Report 2009 (the 10th annual report in the series) appropriately titled “A Decade of Living Dangerously” Selected Highlights : The survey was sent to a random sample of 15,000 CMI ...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Kevin Rudd Asks The Unemployed To Predict The Future

Well Kev, you're getting the unemployed to predict the future on penalty of fraud charges and imprisonment, so why not do the same to your ever so un-prescient economists? The latest thing to come to my attention is that the unemployed are now forced to accurately predict their own economic future and sign an affidavit to the effect. If they get i...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Sacking Auto Czars - Boo Hoo, And Bankers Too.

I see lots of commentary (on the crisis). I read some of it. Generally it makes poor reading. I see people complain that the head of an auto maker gets fired, and they ask why the heads of the banks don't get fired. I know the answer with the automaker. I spent a little time putting production line workers out of jobs by creating robot production l...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

US Retailers Gearing Up As Banks

I have reason to believe there are one or two US retailers with financial services squarely in their sights, and are looking to pull a Tesco in the US. Some retailers might just score a bulls-eye with their recession resistant business model and large store networks. I see there have been some tentative attempts by Carphone et al. Having a few hun...

/payments /retail

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