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A place to share stuff that isn't at all fintec related but is amusing, absurd or scary.

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Tesco vs the banks is like Darth Vader taking on the Daleks

UK supermarket chain Tesco opened its new banking headquarters in Edinburgh yesterday. The retailer is looking to cash in on consumer disenchantment with crisis-stricken traditional banks. Chief executive Terry Leahy is promising a return to old-fashioned, conservative values for customers who park their finances with Tesco Personal Finance. The ti...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

NAB Voice Recognition - Bumometrics in Action

While this may have some use in preventing any Tom Dick or Harry ringing up and and impersonating a customer, it does not prevent the sort of fake call centre scam proving popular with criminals at the moment. ie. the bank call centre is not authenticated to the customer. It merely closes just one of the many doors open to criminals. I suppose the ...


Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

How to Opt Out of the new UK Mobile Phone Directory

Are you aware of the new controversial 118800 mobile phone directory which launches next week? Do you want to learn how to opt out of it? Start up firm Connectivity ( has bought lists of 16 million phone numbers – around 40 per cent of those in regular use in the UK – and addresses, which are typically used in the premium rate in


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Can Municipalities Become Banks And Payment Processors?

Everyone has to pay and pay. The local council is the beneficiary of all sorts of payments from residents. Parking, rates, fines, permits etc. Rather than use several third parties to gather all these payments could councils become payment system providers? Would you prefer to sign up with your local council once - to make a payment anytime for par...

/payments /retail

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

Beware Pay by Phone Cashless Payment at Car Parks

Many cities across the world are switching over to Pay by Phone Cashless Payment at Car Parks. The market leader is Verrus ( who has contracts in over 100 cities across UK & North America, including Birmingham, Manchester, Oxford, Westminster, York, Chicago, Dallas, Minneapolis, Seattle, Vancouver. In order to pay you have to ...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Banks Soon Without A Single Customer Communication Channel?

Fortunately this fake call centre scam is easy to pevent. These customer's data may have been previousy stolen, or perhaps something as simple as reading the person's mail and determining they were BoS customers and performing the scam. One wonders what the banks will do when the mail channel is usurped too. There is nothing to stop an enterprising...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Obama Likely To Move On Cyber Crime And Identity Theft

While the President has his hands full bringing world peace and the usual things expected from a US President, back home there is the big issue of identity and privacy hindering the American information revolution. The issue of fraud will become increasingly unmanageable until identity is linked to interactions, in the real world, on the internet ...


Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

Parliamentary Expenses - Principles override System

We’ve all heard, and will no doubt continue to hear, lots of explanations from Members of Parliament accused of abusing the Expenses Regime, often blaming the ‘system’. Actually the Green Book 2009 places strong emphasis on Principles, which if these folks had bothered to read Section 1 of the...

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

Does Merrick have a case against Savvis?

Merrick Bank has launched a multi-million dollar lawsuit against Savvis, accusing the vendor of erroneously telling it that CardSystems Solutions complied with Visa and MasterCard security regulations. However, do they have a case? The PCI Data Security Standard Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) is a validation tool intended to assist merchants a...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile Financial Services Hampered By Oversold Networks

To say that I am an evangelist for mobile financial services would be an understatement, but I confess to experiencing purely personal delight at the pace of mobile financial services. That pace is slow. I've recently had a quick African immersion and have seen that the real story on the ground is far from rosy for the current mobile financial serv...

/payments /retail

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