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A place to share stuff that isn't at all fintec related but is amusing, absurd or scary.

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

As if RBS didn't have enough problems...

Today in post-Bank Holiday London a group of climate change campaigners snuck onto the RBS trading floor in the Bishopsgate offices and glued themselves together. The WSJ has printed a few words on the incident. RBS staff were told not to leave the building. But it seems the pasted-protestors, who had disguised themselves as building workers, sta...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Orientation Day for The Financial Services Industry?

Thought you'd like to see this snap of my teen daughter seeing if she has what it takes for a career in the financial services industry or any pursuit really. I'm pretty sure she'll do ok. What do you think?

Matt White

Matt White North America editor at Finextra

A message from Prince Obi Matumbe Akumbe

E-mail is so 2001. Prince Obi Matumbe Akumbe knows this and has turned to YouTube and Twitter in his bid to find a kind soul willing to help him transfer $50 million out of Nigeria. Anyone prepared to hand over bank account details will be compensated to the tune of $10 million. Unfortunately, we live in a cynical world and some people seem less ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Do Large Companies Really Innovate? - Rarely

Banks aren't alone in their lack of innovation. Large IT companies seem to 'borrow' a bit more than ideas from entrepreneurial innovators. I'm referring to the technological rather than marketing oriented innovations, although that seems to be an active area of copying too. The best ideas encompass both. Microsoft use a 'product activation' featur...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Trust isn't absent on the net, but can it be trusted?

As a follow-up to the Maddoff thing I thought I'd take a look at the landscape post blitz to see how the 'alternative investment' market was going scamming new victims. I couldn't get past A. I chose to search for keywords like trust, investment, return, exceptional, guaranteed,. I came up with 'aim' 'trust'. I made two random choices - aimtrust an...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Chi-X Liquidnet and AXE ECN For Share of Oz?

The Australian government has removed a significant hurdle which made it difficult for competitors to enter the excange market in Australia when they removed the ASX's powers of supervision over brokers and passed it to ASIC. Liquidnet, Chi-X and AXE ECN are in the game. Well anyone in the know can see why he's Gone-ski. Australia's insider tra...

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated

Over the past twenty years, DNA analysis has revolutionised forensic science, and has become a dominant tool in law enforcement. DNA evidence is key to the conviction or exoneration of suspects of various types of crime, from theft to rape and murder. However, the disturbing possibility that DNA evidence can be faked has been overlooked. Scientist...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

BADvertising To Go Privacy To Rule

While the amounts of data which have been collected on your personal internet activities will provide research fodder for marketers into the next decade the practise is soon to come to an end. Investors are abandoning BT firms faster than legislation to ban it can be drafted. "Given the trend in 'Do Not Call' lists, who would rationally inves...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Imminent Failure Of Large Nation-States?

I occasionally make predictions. It is sometimes unpopular. While some foresaw the credit crunch, few foresaw the ancillary effects. I did. I see something much darker, or brighter depending on your perspective. I see the failure of some large nations. They are in imminent danger of collapsing into anarchy. The fall of Russia is incomparable with w...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Sacked by facebook status update!

I came across a web page yesterday that I had to share. Someone with 2 weeks left on their 6 month probabtionary period at work updated their face book status and forgot that they'd added their boss as one of their friends. The face book status was quite derogatory and ended up with the girl being told not to come back to work via a facebook statu...

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