Irish payments specialist Sentenial plans hiring spree

Irish payments specialist Sentenial plans hiring spree

Dublin-based payments specialist Sentenial is promising to hire 110 new employees over the next year as it takes advantage of a Sepa-related boost to business.

The vendor, which has already seen staff numbers rise from 60 to 160 over the last 12 months, says it will start advertising for 30 of the new roles - most of which will be in Ireland - before Christmas.

The ballooning of staff numbers comes thanks to the Irish outfit's successfully cashing in on the introduction of a single euro payments area (Sepa), helping banks and businesses prepare for the February deadline, when all credit transfers and direct debits in euro must have migrated.

The firm has been chosen by five of Europe's top 10 banks and in Ireland is used by all the main clearing banks. When the switch-over is made next year, its technology will be responsible for processing over EUR60 billion worth of payments a year for companies and banks across the continent.

Sean Fitzgerald, CEO, Sentenial, says: "The expansion we're announcing today will help support the rapid growth we have experienced in 2013 and the pipeline of opportunities in coming months."

Fitzgerald is also warning that many Irish small- and medium-sized firms have not prepared for the Sepa migration and "could have an unpleasant surprise on 1st February finding that they are unable to pay suppliers and staff, or receive payments from customers".

Concerns about migration plans are not limited to Ireland. Last month the European Central Bank issued a stark warning about the operational risks facing 'many key stakeholders' from a last-minute rush to meet the 1 February deadline.

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